eControlling your twitter experience

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Twitter likes are represented by a small heart and are used to show appreciation for a certain tweet or a moment, or for a certain person. But how can you like a certain tweet? You can do it by clicking or tapping the like icon or the a heart icon and it will turn red, that is stating that you have successfully liked the tweet. You can also like a certain tweet from an account’s profile page and a tweet’s permalink page. If you liked something accidentally that you shouldn’t like, or you just dont like liking that tweet you can always undo it by also clicking or tapping the red icon which is liked and it will become transparent and it will state that you already unliked the tweet. Always remember that your twitter account is meant to broadcast you certain thoughts to the twitter app. However, you may want to hide some content from other users, including your twitter likes. Unfortunately, there is no way to selectively hide tweets. To hide them, you need to hide all of your post or all of your tweets from everyone but your followers.


The twitter counterpart is just as straightforward and can be installed from chrome or firefox. The same page includes instrutions or certain ways for getting the tool up and running smooth either on safari, opera, or anywhere you like. Once it’s installed fire up twitter and revel in a feed where the number of replies, retweets, and likes are hidden. Small stars indicate or tells whether a tweet has recieved responses of any type, but you can’t see how many, even if you click through to the individual tweets themselves. Twitter is popular because it allows you to broadcast short messages, called tweets. If you have a twitter account, you can mark other messages as favorites, allowing others to see the tweets you’ve liked. If you wish to undo this or conceal your twitter likes, there are two ways this can be accomplished. In removing the favorites, First, is log into your account. Second, is click the “Profile” tab at the top of the page. Third, Select the “favorites” tab on your profile to view all of your favorites. Second to the last, hover your sursor over the tweet you wish to hide. Lastly, select the “unfavorite” option. This will help you remove the tweet from your favorites.


You can control your experience on twitter you can aunfollow. Unfollowing is the easiest way to stop a certain person in seeing your twitter likes. You can also filter your notifications. Your notifications let you see your interactions with other twitter accounts, such as mentions, twitter likes, retweets, and who has recently followed you. If you want to stop recieving uncertain things like this you can always filter these kind of things. There are so many ways to stop of to controll your twitter likes. You can mute, block, report and many more, so dont ever hesitate!